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Fly on the Wall

This article also appears in the March 2018 issue of the Diocesan Post.

This regular column reports on the activities and decisions of Diocesan Council--the "synod between synods" of our diocese.

January’s Diocesan Council meeting had to be cancelled because there was no quorum. Business set for the January meeting will be held over until the February meeting.  

Correction: In Fly On the Wall column in the December issue of the Diocesan Post, it stated that “In March 2017, the diocesan vision team for Lay Ministry and Leadership Formation distributed a survey to all Anglicans of the diocese through parish communications channels.” The survey was sent (March 1, 2017) to parish offices, clergy and synod delegates where this information was available. In the introductory letter recipients were requested to “ask all your leaders (lay and ordained) to complete this brief questionnaire.” The executive summary of the survey can be found on the diocesan website